It happens when an artery that sends blood and oxygen to our heart gets clogged or blocked. Most traditional doctors are quick to say these blockages are caused by cholesterol deposits that build up over time.
But scientists have recently discovered a new threat – that could be the real reason why cases of heart attack continue to rise year after year.
As we age, our digestive system gradually loses its ability to absorb vitamin K from food. Low levels of vitamin K often cause a high concentration of uncarboxylated matrix Gla-protein, or ucMGP.
Is linked to what’s called vascular calcification.
Left unchecked, vascular calcification causes our arteries and vessels to calcify - or become stiff, hard, and clogged.
Now our heart is forced to work double time to pump and circulate nutrient-rich blood through these hard, narrow passages so blood gets to our heart, brain, and other vital organs.
Our risk of health issues increase:
We only know for sure this is happening when medical tests reveal our:
ONE nutrient is GUARANTEED to help clean, support,
and even RELIEVE the pressure in our arteries!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in our country. And more than 50% of Americans don’t even know heart disease is such a silent killer.
With statistics like these, the basic protection that comes from a well-balanced diet and regular exercise routine is just not enough anymore to protect our heart.
You see, a heart attack happens when an artery that sends blood and oxygen to our heart gets clogged or blocked.
It’s a powerful nutrient our heart relies on to “signal” when our arteries need to OPEN wide or relax – so blood can flow and circulate freely through our entire body.
Unfortunately, as we get older – our body loses its’ natural ability to make enough N-O to support healthy circulation.
It’s the purest form of natural nitrate available on the planet that’s guaranteed to help BOOST your body’s nitric oxide levels in record time!
Plus, this patented ingredient is completely water soluble for maximum absorption.
With this added nutrient support from Rednite® - your arteries can safely - and effortlessly - flush out harmful ucMGP plaque protein!
This remarkable patented nutrient is quite frankly the most powerful plaque protein killer modern‑day technology has to offer!
Over 20 human clinical trials show MenaQ7® is non‑negotiable for a healthy heart.
MenaQ7® is the strongest, most bioavailable and bioactive, and long‑lasting nutrient source for vitamin K2.
The journal Vascular Diseases and Therapeutics recently published the results of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial on the effects of MenaQ7®.
In this study, 243 participants were given either a MenaQ7® supplement or a placebo to take for the duration of the trial. The results were nothing short of remarkable...
At the end of the study, researchers discovered the men and women taking MenaQ7® had:
And this is just ONE of the over 20 human trials that prove MenaQ7® can really turbocharge your body’s natural ability to virtually erase plaque protein!
Pomegranates naturally contain a unique gut microbiota called urolithins. Recently scientists have discovered urolithins have the unique ability to calm fiery inflammation...
The kind of inflammation that causes damage to our heart muscles, artery walls, and even joints.
But studies show the patented pomegranate extract called Pomella® can help decrease artery wall thickness up to 30%!
This helps our blood vessels regain healthy flexibility to open and relax for strong, uninterrupted blood flow.
In fact - just 30 minutes after taking Pomella® - your heart is GUARANTEED to get a powerful BOOST of urolithins to help fight inflammation and other harmful free radicals that can weaken our heart muscle and overall circulation activity.
VenoPlus 8™ is formulated to work quickly
with your body’s natural processes.
It won’t be long before you SEE and FEEL the difference this revolutionary heart and artery formula makes with your energy levels, blood pressure, circulation, and overall cardiovascular health!
Use the scoop provided to measure
the recommended daily dosage of
VenoPlus 8™.
Use the scoop provided to measure the recommended daily dosage of VenoPlus 8™.
Add the powder to an 8oz glass of water, juice, or your favorite smoothie - and stir till it dissolves. The apple flavor pairs well with fruit or veggie smoothies.
Drink the recommend serving every day to experience maximum results from VenoPlus 8™.
Now you can finally experience targeted nutrient power that gives you complete cardiovascular support with VenoPlus 8™’s remarkable formula. In each scoop you get:
Every container of VenoPlus 8™ comes with the Simple Promise™ 365 Days of 100% Complete Satisfaction money back guarantee.
That means if for any reason at all you’re not completely satisfied with your results, simply email us and your money will be promptly returned to you. No questions asked.
All orders made are one-time purchases.
There will not be any recurring billing or hidden charges.
Simple PromiseTM was founded with only one goal:
To create products that actually work.
Our commitment to your well-being is reflected in our carefully crafted products, all of which are designed to provide:
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. The testimonials presented apply only to the individuals
depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a
real customer who used the product, and/or nutrition advice listed on the website. No one was paid for a testimonialor
endorsement. Results were self-reported by the customer. You should assume that any results shown in
testimonials, advertisements, stories, blog posts, articles, forums, or anywhere else on this site or our associated
websites are not typical. Results may vary from person to person.
This product is not intended as a medical prescription or alternative to prescribed treatment. If you are on
medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult your doctor before consuming any of our products.