Plant Solutions for Controlling Blood Sugar
Posted by Simple Promise on
Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food. Who hasn’t heard this famed quote from Hippocrates exalting the medicinal benefits of a nutritious diet? Yes, pharmaceuticals have extended humanity’s medical arsenal far beyond what past societies could ever have imagined, but a wholesome diet remains crucial to healthy living. Many of today’s drugs were inspired by chemicals that are naturally found in herbs, fruits, and other plants. The vast plant kingdom contains thousands of different compounds, many of which interact with the body in similar ways that contemporary drugs do. Take turmeric, for example--an east Asian spice that studies...
Diabetes Explained
Posted by Simple Promise on
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world. It is estimated to affect ±422 million people in 2018, resulting in ±1,6 million deaths.1 In the US, the CDC estimates that ±30.3 million people (9.4% of the population) have diabetes.2 Even worse is the fact that they estimate that ±84 million Americans are in a ‘pre-diabetes’ phase3. This means that almost 45% of the population could be diabetic in the next few years. What is interesting about diabetes is that it’s a non-communicable disease, meaning that we can’t catch...
The Amazing Effects Of Banaba Leaf On Blood Sugar
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