Little-Known Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee
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Coffee has been around for centuries and is enjoyed by millions of people every day. While most people know that coffee can give them a much-needed energy boost, you may not be aware of the many other benefits that this humble beverage can provide. Coffee is more than just a delicious morning drink. It's packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can have powerful effects on your health. Here are five little-known health benefits of drinking coffee: 1. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat Caffeine is a stimulant that has been shown to increase metabolism and enhance physical performance. One study...
Rosehip Tea - The Miraculous Beverage You Didn’t Know You Needed
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Rosehip tea is a beverage made from the fruit of the rose plant. For centuries, the humble rosehip has been used for everything like healing wounds and treating fatigue. But could this little fruit also be the key to pain relief, heart disease prevention, and weight loss? This powerful little drink has been used for centuries by cultures all over the world, and now it's gaining popularity in the Western world as well. If you're looking for a healthy way to improve your quality of life, rosehip tea is a great option. Pain Relief Rosehip tea has been traditionally used...
5 Superfoods That Lower Your Blood Sugar and Help You Burn Fat
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Let’s face it. As we age, we're not bouncing back from late nights out and weekends of unhealthy eating like we used to. Instead of eating whatever we want, when we want, we have to be a bit more strategic about the foods we choose to fuel our bodies. One area we have to be especially careful with is blood sugar. When your blood sugar spikes, it causes a lot of problems like fatigue, irritability and cravings. Not to mention, it's also a leading cause of diabetes. But don't worry, there are plenty of delicious superfoods out there that can...
7 “Healthy” Foods You Should Never Eat For Your Heart
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You’re eating healthy, trying to eat right, and watching your weight…or ARE you? Just because a food is marketed as “healthy” or labeled as such on the package doesn’t mean it’s good for your heart. In fact, some of the most popular so-called “health foods” are loaded with unhealthy ingredients and artificial additives. So what are the worst offenders? Here are 7 “healthy” foods you should never eat. 1. Low-Fat Salad Dressing Most people think they are doing something good for their body when they eat low-fat… But Low-fat salad dressings are rich in sugar, additives, and preservatives. They are...
The Surprising Anti-Aging Benefits of Alcohol
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As we age, our bodies go through a lot of changes. We lose muscle mass and bone density. Our skin becomes thinner. More wrinkled. But did you know that moderate drinking can actually help slow down some of the signs of aging? Here’s a look at some of the surprising anti-aging benefits of alcohol: 1. Helps Improve Your Cardiovascular Health One of the biggest risk factors for developing heart disease is having high blood pressure. And while you might think that drinking alcohol raises your blood pressure… Moderate consumption can actually have the opposite effect. In fact, studies have shown...