5 Weird Things That Help You Poop

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Constipation can be extremely frustrating and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are some tricks you can use to make it easier to poop. So the next time you need a quick fix, try one of these tips: #1: Garlic   Vampires hate garlic. And so does your poop. Garlic contains fructans, which are fermented by the gut and can cause bowel movements. So if you’re struggling with constipation, add garlic to your cooking as it can help you become regular. PLUS! Research shows that garlic can also lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. #2: Sugar-Free Candy...

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7 Things Your Stool Tells You About Your Digestive Health

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Don't flush the toilet the next time you poop. Take a look at your stool because it may contain pieces of information about your health. You can tell by the shape, color, and smell of your stool whether something inside you isn't working properly. Here are signs you need to look for the next time you go: Small, dark stools, often accompanied by pain and bloating, indicate a chronic problem such as bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Floaters, or stools that don’t sink to the bottom, can be a sign of fat malabsorption. You should see your GI doctor if...

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Eating Too Much Fiber?

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Here’s Why You Don’t Want to Do That… Too much of a good thing can make it a bad thing. As an example, eating too much protein can cause brain fog, weight gain, and bloating even though it is an essential nutrient. Fiber is no different. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive tract, heart, gut microbiome, and control of your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. But what if you get too much? Today, we’ll look at the side-effects of eating too much fiber: #1: Your constipation may get WORSE It may surprise you, but too much fiber can make...

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Constipation? Try These 3 Mouthwatering Smoothies for Regular Bowel Movement

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If you’re pooping less than 3 times a week, you’re considered constipated. Luckily, there are yummy tasting smoothies you can make to ease your constipation. Check out these 3 delicious and easy to make smoothie recipes to help you get regular bowel movement. Oatmeal Smoothie Oatmeal brings a lot of fiber into your diet. That makes them great for your digestive system and can help you poop, too. Plus, if you’re looking for something to make you feel full for a long time, this smoothie is a must try! Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS 1/2 Honeycrisp apple (medium) 1/2 med pears, Bartlett 1...

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